Reader question: how active with exits?
Let's go to the mailbag for a question. Reader Anthony asks: I have a bit of an internal psychological dilemma going on at the moment. I place my stops usually…
Let's go to the mailbag for a question. Reader Anthony asks: I have a bit of an internal psychological dilemma going on at the moment. I place my stops usually…
The podcast is back after a long break! Today, we dig into some of the conventional wisdom and common "soundbites" that are used. You've heard these, probably over and over:…
I appreciate the opportunity to share with you, my readers, here on this blog. Over the years I've learned a lot from you, have had you challenge my thinking in…
i received a great question from Glenn, which I'll summarize and paraphrase below: Adam, I'm doing many things right in my trading, but I struggle with one thing: I get…
One of the great things about writing a daily research piece is that it serves as a good record of my thought process and perspective on markets on each and…
Financial markets are confusing--there's no doubt about that. Sudden reversals, spikes, dull dead periods exploding into panic, fakeouts and fakeouts of fakeouts... the list goes on, but traders and investors…
Reader Steve asks a good question: Hi. I know that most of what you talk about isn't really about daytrading, but I am a daytrader and I have a question.…
Rhythm is a fundamental aspect of the human experience: our bodies pulse with the rhythm of blood and breath. We experience the rhythms of day and night, and the longer…
I wanted to share a video that I do weekly for my research subscribers. (More information and a free trial is available here.) This is something a bit different from…
In my last blog post, I made an argument that the details of patterns do not matter--get the idea and the big picture right, and everything else is much easier.…
When I started trading, like many people, I was drawn to traditional technical analysis. I spent hours and hours studying different variations of patterns, often after creating the charts myself…
How many emails do you get promising to show you how to find "hot stocks now"? How many screeners out there want to show you the movers and shakers in…
I received a good question from a long-time reader on a trade he executed in CREE. Here's Jim's (edited) question: I’ve been trying to swing trade for a few years…
I did an interview a week or so ago with Abraham Thomas, one of the co-founders of Quandl. I love doing interviews because a thoughtful interviewer makes me ask questions…
Every trader faces fear, sooner or later. In a perfect world, we'd be fearful at exactly the right times and use that fear to manage our risk, but we all…
One of the key challenges for discretionary traders is balancing short-term and longer-term information. Err too far on either side, and bad things will happen: Focus too much on short-term,…